Saturday, February 17, 2007

So I caved to the system...

I changed over my blog... So we'll see if it'll work out for me or not, not that I could change anything if it doesn't.

In other news, Sharky and I have a new niece, again! One was born back in December, but now another one was born on Valentines day. Sharky has many siblings, in case you are wondering how this is possible. It just so happens that two of his sister-in-laws had babies within 3 months of each other. We already have a nephew, who is four, and now we have 2 nieces! It will be fun times with little kids when we move back home.

Here's our nephew Jude

Here's our first niece, Ilona

And we don't have a picture yet of our newest niece, Nora, but I hope we will soon.

Some friends of ours have also had babies recenty:

January 31st, Liam Wesley Kinnear

February 4th, Ava Kathleen Dolsky

If you think that's a lot of babying going on, you're right!
And, as a post-script, I also just found out that my roommate from my freshman year and her husband are going to have a baby in September.


Blogger Niki Devereaux said...

Isn't it so exciting?? I just got the e-mail too! So many babies, I think I told you there's about 5 pregnant women (well 4, one just had her baby) at our church right now. Baby boom of the 00's...or something.

8:54 AM  

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