Monday, October 23, 2006

What Defines Me...

I was just on an old high-school friend's blog reading her most recent post about herself. She had taken some very nice pictures of her room, or rather, a corner of her room that is "her space". There was a reason for every single thing she depicted; every piece had emotional significance. It was beautiful... but at the same time, I am wrestling with the idea of stuff. I am torn between wanting a whole bunch of personal objects to live among, and not wanting to just have stuff define me. There seems something wrong with defining who I am by what stuff I have, but I can't quite put my finger on what.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

One baby..... (you'd have to hear me sing that one to get the full effect)

So, Fran and Jon finally had their baby today. Approximately 1pm today, Nova Scotia time. His name is Finnan James. Now all of this is still unofficial, I heard it from the blog of another friend of theirs, and that's all the news I got.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

I had a cool dream last night...

It had this beautiful old house that I think belonged to Sharky's family (in the dream only), and he made a room for me that had a big treehouse (yeah inside... it's a dream, those things happen), and a shelf of old Snoopy tins that had notes in them, it even had a secret passage with a fireplace and gorgeous plush red carpets. The best part though was a type of hutch that looked like a normal piece of furniture that had shelves that would flip down and had a whole bunch of purple hippos in them. It was something from an amusement centre or the like, and when you turned it on, the hippos started singing "it was a one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple-people hippo". Ever have dreams where you own cool things like that?