Saturday, March 24, 2007

Quick post to say that...

Sometimes I really hate cars... especially ours (but don't tell it that).
It died again on us last night, and it was the alternator again. The new (rebuilt) one we just got a month and a half ago. Yeah, not old, and it died... in a mall parking lot. Fortunately Sharky and I have GREAT friends who are helping us with it, and came to get us. In the meantime, Sharky and I got Tim Horton's coffee, and I was thinking this would have been a tremendous time for God to give us that new car in roll up the rim, but we got NOTHING! Not even a muffin... I like muffins.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Only two weeks left in March

I'm very happy that there's not too much of this semester left. It's been half crazy-half really slow and boring. The boring part is that I don't have that much homework to do this semester, so I feel aimless. The crazy part is that Sharky has a lot of homework... TONS... and I've been helping him with a lot of it. Now that it's nearing the end of March, though, I should be starting on those things I also have to get done. I'm actually happy to have work to do, it will keep my mind from IMPLODING!
In other news, on Monday at 2pm it was +14 degrees, at 3pm, +5, by 4:30, it was snowing! Now today it's +15 and tomorrow will be -1. I hate Calgary weather!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Bittersweet... but not chocolate

Currently I'm listening to "Rainbow Connection" by Kermit the Frog on repeat...

It seems to match nicely the somewhat happy, somewhat sad mood I'm in right now. There's nothing terribly wrong with my life right now, but there's lots of little things that are twinging that with a little bit of sadness. It's the kind of sadness where you almost want to stay in it for a while.

I guess part of the reason for this feeling is the weather... It seems such a trivial thing to affect me that much, but it does. Right now we're in the middle of a "warm" streak, so it's been above zero in the middle of the day for at least a week. This Sunday they're even predicting anywhere from +14 to 19, but behind that, on Tuesday to be exact, it will get cold again. So even though I can be happy with the weather now, knowing that Spring isn't here yet keeps me kind of sad. In the same way, it can be really cold, but if I know it's going to warm up soon, that brightens everything.

Another reason for this melancholy is that I want to be home. Of course I always want to be home, but it's even stronger now since Sharky and I are so close to graduation. But although we desperately want to leave, there will still be some sadness in leaving. For one thing, life may not be the happiest here, but it's familiar. When we move home, everything will be so different, and there are so many things we'll have to do in a short time. Also, though I am sick of being here in Calgary, and I'm ready to be done, I'm still going to miss school, and I'm not sure how I'll take to just working. Finally, we have so many amazing friends here, that it will be hard leaving all of them.

Sorry for the heavy post, I just wanted to get that out, and also say that "Rainbow Connection" is a great song!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Posting: Take Two

Last week sometime I was trying to post, but blogger wasn't working the way I wanted it to, so I gave up... until today. So let's try again!

I've got pictures now of our new niece Nora...

And for fun, here's another of our nephew Jude (who's 4) and our other niece Ilona (3 months)...

On an entirely different note, Sharky and I went to see an AMAZING movie on Saturday. We saw "Pan's Labyrinth", which is a fairy tale for grown-ups (note: NOT a kid's movie). It's about a little girl in Spain in 1944 under fascist rule, but it's also a fairy tale with a faun and fairies and a giant toad, all that good stuff. I recommend it to anyone who can watch a movie with subtitles, because it's all in Spanish! Really a beautiful and intense movie.