Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Yeah! End of January!

I hope I didn't depress anyone with my last post. Now I'm just really, really glad January is done after today. Time to move on with a new month.
I'm also excited because Dave and Jenn should be having their baby soon, as well as my brother-in-law and his wife. There's babies flying all over the place!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Not much new, just trucking along...

We're starting to settle into the routine of our classes, and trying to figure out how to keep concentrated on school when we're so excited about moving in just over 3 months. I'm finding that January is going really, really slowly. Usually it's a faster-feeling month because classes don't start until about a third of the way in (really, classes started January 10th this semester). But I guess since there's so much else to think about, and so much we're looking forward to, January is just crawling by for me. It also sucks because I don't like winter in Calgary. I know that's mostly because I'm from the Lower mainland and can't hack really cold, but that's not entirely it. I think I dealt better with the cold in Regina because there it gets cold and stays that way. Here, the Chinooks are really nice when they happen (like right now, as we're supposed to get a high of +14C today, yeah, you read that right, plus, not minus!), but then I can never acclimatise to the cold. Instead it will be +8 or something one day just to set me up and dash all my hopes with -20 the next. That's what I have a hard time with.
So, for those reasons, I'm sick of January and I want it to end. February will be a whirlwind though. We know 3 couples who are due to have babies in February, 2 of them here in Calgary. There's babies popping out of the woodwork right now (but not for us, I know what you're thinking). It's an exciting time!
So that's my January-Blues post. I think what January needs is a holiday at this time of the month. I know there's Chinese New Year, maybe that should be celebrated on a larger scale by everyone because January seems so dry for holidays. It goes, "Yeah it's New Years, now enjoy over a month of regular plain life..... whee.....". One of the hints to myself that I think I should be an elementary school teacher is that my months revolve around their main holidays. Remember back in grade 2 or so, when you would come to school on the first day of a new month and the clasroom would already be decorated with stuff from that month's holiday? The chalkboard would have a new festive boarder, there would be big pumpkins or hearts or something of the like hanging around. Think of that as how my brain is decorated the beginning of every month. But perhaps you're getting weirded out being in my brain, I'll take you out and let you loose now. Go... be free...

Monday, January 15, 2007

Johnny Whitelips Has Been Healed!!!

Friday, January 12, 2007

This is our car...

It is affectionately known as Johnny Whitelips.
It was loosely named after this guy from the Simpsons:
Johnny Tightlips
This is what I want to do to the car...
This is because, as you may have noticed in the pictures, Johnny Whitelips is leaking coolant, and we're not sure why. It's frustrating. The alternator is also having issues, but that's harder to show in a Paint picture.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

So the holidays are pretty much over...

It was back to work for me yesterday and it will be back to class tomorrow. It's always weird going from the insane rush to get schoolwork done at the end of one semester to taking it easy at the beginning of the next. I know there was a substantial break in between, but I still come back and find myself thinking "now what am I supposed to do?" It's an odd feeling to have free time.
On a good note (not that that was really a bad one), Sharky and I got a digital camera over Christmas, so here's some pictures, including a lovely one of you Nicole...

This would be my sister...

My cat...

My hubby...

For those wondering if they're seeing correctly, yep that's Sharky with a beard.

And in case you thought I forgot you... here you are Nicole!

No one is safe from being published! Muahahahaha!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Temporality of Dreams

I had a really cool dream this morning. I know most people don’t like to sit there and hear someone elaborately spell out every detail of their dream, so I won’t do that. But I will just say my favourite part. It involved me and some friends and family traveling through some underground secret passages made by my friend Jesse (yep Jesse). And they went all over town (the town in this case being Port Moody for some reason), and at the end, in the last room, there was a tv and vcr with a tape we could watch of what we looked like trying to figure out all of these secret passages. Now, I think most of that was quite unrealistic since it requires more underground real estate than I think Jesse could get a hold of. But if he did somehow have secret passages somewhere, it seems entirely likely that he would put closed-circuit cameras in it to see what people did. That just seems like a very Jesse thing.
It was one of those dreams that when I woke up, it was so cool that I wished there was a real place like that. It was just so fun to be a part of, it made me sad that it’s not real. Like flying dreams, one of which I had the other night. I wish I could fly, or at least hover above the ground.