What My Ideal Church Would Look Like
I've actually thought this one over a bit before, and I realize that this may not suit everyone, and is also a very style of church that to some extend has already 'been done', but here goes:
First of all, the sanctuary of the church would actually be a sancutary. That is, it would be a quiet, large place, and it would also be a library. So, imagine a library with lots of little spaces to sit and think. That would be the sanctuary, and church services would not be held in there. Lets not fool ourselves, sancutaries in our everyday, evangelical churches are most often not what they claim to be. Instead, church services would be held in something more like we would recognize as the fellowship hall, but for my tastes, it would have the feel of a coffee house. There would be tables that everyone would sit at and actually talk to each other, and to the side would be the stage (yes stage, not platform. I'm not scared of secular language for furniture) from which the band (or one guy with a guitar, or whatever) would lead, but not perform the music. The stage would be on the side to emphasize the not-a-performance aspect of this. Near the stage, in front of it on the floor would also be a big comfy rug for children (or adults if they wish) to sit on to participate. Some people just do much better sitting on the floor than in chairs. On the tables would also be paper and pens/pencils for people to write or draw on if they want.
I know this sounds very hippie-ish, but that's to some extent the atmosphere that some people need to connect with God or with others. Not everyone works well sitting forwards in pews, being an audience. My ideal church would necessitate more interaction and participation. So, there it is... some of it at least.